PRE-ORDER Guidance
As you are probably aware, recent updates to ATF's eForm approval process has resulted in drastically improved turnaround times. While this is certainly a positive change, it has also had a predictable impact on suppressor inventory across the industry.
With that in mind, if you know you want a particular suppressor (or three) and it isn't in stock, your best bet is to place a "PRE-ORDER" so that we can purchase your desired suppressor the moment it becomes available from our distributors. If you wait until it shows in-stock on the website, you might miss your opportunity. PRE-ORDER helps us seek out and purchase what you are looking for. This is true whether you buy from us or someone else.
Thank you for considering Longbow Arms, we hope to earn your business.

Polonium 30 (BLK or FDE)
The Polonium-30 came about following the success of the Polonium and Polonium-K in 5.56
Made for the person who is on a budget and just wants 1 suppressor to change around on all of their rifles this suppressor follows the same design goals of every product we make – good, durable, affordable suppressors for the working man that punch above their price point. PSSST… I’ve got a dirty little secret other companies have been lying to you about for years to make a sale.. You do give up 5.56 performance when you go to a 30 caliber bore. The data is out there, the truth is out there, it just is what it is, any company that tells you their 30 caliber suppressor doesn’t experience this is lying to you and we just want to get that out in the open front and center. If you are after the best possible 5.56 performance the Polonium and Polonium-K in 5.56 both out perform the Polonium-30 when shooting a 5.56 rifle. I’d rather tell you that and lose a sale than you buy one and be disappointed based on a lie I sold you, that’s just who we are. But if you’re on a budget and looking for 1 suppressor you can switch around to all of your rifles and have respectable performance across all platforms with a mounting system of your choice the Polonium-30 can handle anything you can throw on it, guaranteed. From a full auto short barrel 5.56 rifle, 300 blackout, 308 all the way up to the big daddy 300 RUM and 300 Norma magnum.
The unique look comes from external weight reduction, removing all unnecessary material to keep the weight down but still as strong as possible – this results in a suppressor that has 10% more surface area and a lower weight that sheds heat faster and cools down quicker. The highly effective built in internal and external flash hider offer superior flash and signature reduction over the competition when using night vision.
The Polonium-30 features industry standard universal 1.375×24 rear threads so you can pick what mounting system best fits your needs.
What’s included in the box?
Instruction pamphlet
5/8×24 direct thread adapter with Polonium-30
Tube clamp for installing and changing mounts
Inventory and Ordering Guidance
Longbow Arms attempts to keep popular items in stock, however, if you want something not listed on the site, please reach out to us so we can discuss ordering that item. Under normal conditions, non-NFA items can be ordered and received within 5-10 business days.
For NFA items, Dealer to Dealer and Manufacturer to Dealer transfers are subject to eForm 3 approval times which are currently running 7-14 days.